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  • thomaskellerart

Create or die.

I've been a professional artist for 20 years, but I didn't create anything for 30 years. When I was very young I would create art all the time and some of it was good. I remember my mom telling me an art teacher told her my artwork was excellent and I should pursue the arts. This was during elementary school. But, around the age of ten it was discovered I was color blind. I didn't know what that meant but the impression I got was it was a bad thing. I was confused, frustrated and angry. Suddenly I couldn't trust my choice of colors. What was wrong with me? Why did this have to happen to me? How could I be so flawed as to make simple mistakes with colors? I was so frustrated that I decided to stop creating art, something I loved dearly.

I went about my teen years, struggling to find my way. In my 20's, 30's, and part of my 40's I pursued money without my heart. I did okay but didn't realize I was dead inside. I just went through the motions believing this is the way life is. I felt like I was in a prison called life with no way out.

Then at 46 years old I took a spiritual class at a metaphysical church in LA called Agape. During that class I had a spiritual awakening and my class project was my first painting in 36 years. What happened in that class changed my life. The feeling was that I had been standing at the base of a giant dam with my finger plugging a leak and then I remove my finger. The dam of creativity burst wide open and I painted and painted and painted.

To my surprise I had some of my paintings were displayed at Agape and a respected man, Ismael Tete said to me, "Your artwork looks like you've been painting for years".

Now 22 years later I remember that day when he said that to me and feel in my soul I was born to create.

I used to call myself an artist but I now call myself a

Creator". Because as I grew in the arts, I move from painting to sculpting to writing. I currently do all three and know that if my Spirit plants another idea/medium in me I can do it well. All those years I had been dead while walking though the world. I hope my story may encourage others to wake up their own creators. You know who you are. I believe it doesn't matter if it's a hobby or a career, creators must create. You soul needs your Creator. And this world needs you, needs you beauty, needs your inspiration. Creators create. What will you create?

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Dec 06, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Excellent and to the point. Thank you


Aug 23, 2023

Very inspirational. One of my artist friends is also color blind because of a seizure disorder and has been depressed lately because he works in black and white and feels like AI will take his place in the art world. If you get a chance check out his art!


Aug 21, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great read.


Aug 20, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Creators must create. Wow.


Aug 19, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for the inspiration. You story is powerful!!

Aug 19, 2023
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Thank you for your own life inspiration. I read your story.

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