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  • thomaskellerart

Creator vs. Artist!

Recently I did a writing exercise to discover my passions, talents, and skills(acquired and natural). What I discovered was surprising. I realized I was a creator, not just an artist. I'm not talking about a content creator.

The insight came when I reconigzed that I get as much enjoyment from creating a speech or a workshop and presenting it as I did from creating a painting or sculpture and presenting that. Then I thought back to my teens and twenties when I was playing in bands and we wrote original songs as well as playing covers. I recalled the process of writing a song and it was very similar to creating a painting or a speech and provided just as much joy and excitment for me.

What about the quality you might be thinking? That's a great question. I believe if I stay true to myself, my own inspiration that the quality is comparable. If I veer off inspiration and try to copy or take parts from others or feel as though I should be doing one thing over another, the quality of any medium suffers.

The reason I mention this creator idea is that it let me off the hook. I use to make myself wrong that I wasn't constantly creating paintings and sculptures. Now I've found peace and joy in creating what my heart and soul wants to create in this moment(which is a blog post). Blessings

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May 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Best post of the week. Thanks

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