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  • thomaskellerart

Are your artistic instincts hurting or helping you? How to know an art piece is finished.

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Today I’ll discuss how to know when an art piece is finished. First I’ll speak for myself and then my daughter will weigh in and finally my wife will share how she knows when her creation is finished.

I’ve been a professional artist for some 20 years and I’m still fascinated with the artist creation process. To begin with, the process of knowing when I’m finished with a piece isn’t always the same but I have noticed some very clear tendencies for myself. With almost every painting, sculpture, writing or creative project I’ll begin by seeing a vision in my mind of what the finished piece will look like and I’ll be excited about creating the piece.

Then around about three quarters of the way through the creation process,I’ll think that I’ve lost it, it won’t work out, it looks like crap or any version of that. What I have learned through experience is to keep going, settle down, listen internally and everything will be better than alright. So I do and it is.

Time after time the original vision of what I’m creating gets put in the background and the piece comes out better than I thought it could and would. I will hear a voice internally saying to me, it is done, and I will stop immediately. The finished piece is different from my original vision and much better to my own surprise. I now believe that the moment of losing it, is actually the moment my Spirit takes over and has a different vision than my original one. With time and experience I’ve learned to trust this process and enjoy it when it happens.

Caveat. I believe that until a piece of mine is bought and delivered it is available to be changed and I have changed a few over the years.

Now my 17 year old daughter, who is an artist in her own right, creates with her own materials, mediums, style and creative impulses. She has her own process to know when a piece is finished. Her process is quite analytical. She sees her creativity as steps or phases on the road to completion. Once she has completed each step her art piece is finished.

And finally my wife, Sandra is also an artist. Her primary art forms are writing, course creating and intuitive energy healing. She says that she knows when her writing is done when she gets a particular, unique feeling inside or when she knows there isn’t a single rewrite she could do.

Three different people, three different processes to know when an art piece is finished.

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