Meet Thomas C. Keller. Alright - So today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Thomas C.
Keller. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below. Thomas, thank you so much for taking the time
to share your lessons learned with us and we’re sure your wisdom will help many. So, one question that comes up often and that we’re hoping you can shed some light on is keeping creativity alive over long stretches – how do you keep your creativity alive? I learned a long time ago that if I limited my creativity to a particular artform I would be doomed to failure. I know many artists focus on one medium and master that and that works well for them. But we are all not the same and a very limiting belief is to model what someone else is doing as the path to my success. I’ve grown to see that as a mistake I and others make every day. As I progressed as an artist I reached
what I call crossroads. A place where inspiration appears inside me and I have the choice of following it or staying with what is safe. I began as a pastel artist which was a very natural, intuitive medium for me. I was successful at creating beautiful spiritual paintings. Several years later my family moved to the southern U.S. One day I stood in my backyard which was full of trees unlike Los Angeles that we left, as I looked at all the fallen limbs a thought appeared within me. I wondered if I could sculpt this wood into something beautiful? That thought felt like a moment of inspiration. So I followed that thought and quickly began sculpting beautiful fine art wood sculptures. My first sculpture sold and a new direction in creativity began. After several years of sculpting I had another thought appear in my mind which stated, “You should write a book.” I followed that thought and wrote a book entitled, The Mirror and I continue to follow that small voice inside of me, instead of playing it safe. Does this dilute my mastery? Hardly. How could inspiration not be a voice for magnificence? Plus I’ve gained such confidence in my ability to shift direction and become accomplished in a new direction. Grea
t, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do? Currently I’m focused on creating an online course entitled, Heal EOE, GERD Naturally in 7 Steps. It’s the result of my natural healing journey of course with EOE and GERD. I’ve come to view everything I create as an artistic endeavor. There’s creativity in everything created if one wants to see life that way. This journey has caused me to study filmmaking and visual influence in the medium. As I’ve just about completed setting that up I look forward to creating new paintings, that is if that small quiet voice of inspiration doesn’t have another idea. The beauty of seeing all of life as an artistic endeavor is challenging me to make my life and the ones I’m close to as beautiful as possible. My wife is very creative as a writer primarily but she has ideas of creating films which is exciting to me. My daughter creates in painting, fabric art, fashion design and sewing. There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment a
nd often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on? 1. My Spiritual beliefs’ and following the voice of Spirit within myself is the single most important voice in my life. To actually hear that voice with any clarity has required me to meditate daily. It’s a loud, noisy world out there and that noise can interfere with hearing the voice of Spirit within me. 2. Flexibility is the second quality that has benefitted me most. If I’m truly listening to the voice of Spirit within me I’m in for some unique twists and turns in this journey of life. Flexibility is critical otherwise I’m always clinging on to the last moment or hanging on to my previous successes unwilling to let go and follow that higher guidance. 3. Trusting myself is the third most important quality I’ve developed
. With time and effort I’ve realized I can learn and be successful in most any endeavor. This knowledge has given me so much confidence to shift gears and turn directions. I also feel much bigger and self assured in this world because of trusting myself. Do you think it’s better to go all in on our strengths or to try to be more well-rounded by investing effort on improving areas you aren’t as strong in? We have such a variety of people on this planet with various and natural skills. To try to make myself masterful in all skills seems wasteful. I say why not let others with other strengths share in my process. Spread the good around and remove the weight from my shoulders. I am naturally excellent at the big picture, colors and holding a vision?concept. I’m bad at details, and patience. I love to include others.
Contact Info:
Website: ThomasCKeller.com
email: ThomasCKellerArt@gmail.com
Facebook: Thomas C. Keller's Multiverse
You tube: Thomas C. Keller's Multiverse
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